ACM SIGMOD 2019 New Researcher Symposium
Every year, the SIGMOD Conference includes a symposium with advice on starting a career in data management. These symposia are both informative and entertaining; they are geared towards graduate students and junior researchers but they often attract a broader audience.
This year's symposium will take place on Tuesday July 2, 6-8 PM and the topic will be Publication strategies for new researchers. The symposium will discuss issues that span the gamut from questions on how scholarship is evaluated, advice on venue selection, strategies to tolerate randomness in reviewing, and suggestions on how to become a more engaged member of the data management community. The emphasis will be on new researchers ranging from early graduate school to early post-graduation.
Our panelists will span different career stages, geographical regions, and research styles. Each panelist will give a 10-minute presentation based on their personal experiences and perspectives gained over the years. After the presentations, an informal discussion will ensue based on questions from the audience.
Azza Abouzied -- (New York University Abu Dhabi)
Azza Abouzied is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at New York University, Abu Dhabi. Azza’s research work focuses on designing novel and intuitive data analytics tools and on supporting complex analytics natively within databases, such as specifying and solving objective optimization problems. Her work combines techniques from various fields such as UI-design, active learning and databases. She received her doctoral degree from Yale in 2013 and BSc (CS) from Dalhousie. She spent a year as a visiting scholar at UC Berkeley. She is the recipient of an NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarships-Doctoral Fellowship, and multiple research paper awards including a SIGMOD Research Highlight Award, a best of VLDB citation and a best CHI paper award.
Stratos Idreos -- (Harvard University)
Stratos Idreos is an associate professor of Computer Science at Harvard University where he leads the Data Systems Laboratory. His research focuses on enabling automatic design of workload and hardware conscious data structures with applications to relational, NoSQL, and broad data science problems.
Sihem Amer-Yahia -- (CNRS)
Sihem is a CNRS Research Director. Her interests are at the intersection of large-scale data management and social data exploration. Sihem held positions at QCRI, Yahoo! Research and at&t Labs. She served on the SIGMOD Executive Board and the VLDB Endowment. She is Editor-in-Chief of the VLDB Journal and served as chair for PVLDB 2018, WWW 2019 Workshops and ICDE 2019 Tutorials.
H V Jagadish -- (University of Michigan)
I obtained my Ph. D. from Stanford in 1985, and worked many years for AT&T, where I eventually headed the database department. I arrived here in the fall of 1999, after a brief detour through the University of Illinois. I have been concerned about how academic scholarship is demonstrated, and have been involved with several efforts in this direction. I established the ACM SIGMOD Digital Review, which provides online reviews of published articles, now migrated to Pubzone. As a complementary effort, I serve as the editor for the database section of the Computing Research Repository (CoRR), which encourages publication prior to review. I am the founder of the Proceedings of the Very Large Database Endowment (PVLDB), which is an effort to bring journal-style reviewing to a prestigious conference.
The symposium takes place on Tuesday, July 2, from 17:50 until 19:50.
- 17:50-17:55 Introduction(Spyros Blanas and Katja Hose)
- 17:55-19:00 Each speaker gives a 10-minute talk
- 19:00-19:50 Plenary discussion
Previous Symposia